Articulate your value by empowering your team
Implementing your message strategy through consistent company collateral is essential. But it’s not everything.
As your customers progress through the journey with you, their engagement moves from the written messages that you can control, to being driven by your customer facing people.
Reinforcing your value keeps customers
What your people say about your organisation and what you do, is an essential part of communicating your value. Remaining customer focused, clear and consistent with your message strategy requires training. Taking the time to equip your staff with the right messages will help them articulate your value messages and reinforce what’s important to your customers.

Training your Team
Depending on the roles and skills of your staff, we offer a range of training workshops, including:
Be Heard, Understood, & Cause Action Learn the principles of impactful communication.
The 30 Second Sell Develop your elevator pitch, the ‘what do you do’ moment that captures opportunity anywhere.
Write Like a Pro Write effective emails, reports, letters sharing the same structures our business writers use.
10 Steps to a Winning Proposal The key things you need to do to build a successful response.
Produce a Powerful Profile Communicating your personal value through LinkedIn.
Prepare to Present Develop a presentation you can present with confidence. 90% of a successful presentation happens before you open your mouth to speak.